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Introduction La taxation des plis peut intervenir dans deux circonstances distinctes : la matérialisation d’une pénalité ou la justification d’un service rendu. Les pénalités sont associées aux (...)
Article mis en ligne le 8 octobre 2017
Processing stamps into coil form The main stages for processing coil stamps in intaglio printing are the following ones: Elaboration of a ten stamps width roll on a TD6 press, by printing (...)
Article published on 4 November 2016
Introduction Closed and folded booklets of 10 and 20 stamps 0,50F Marianne de Béquet, with or without phosphor bands, were produced with three types of cover: “Caisse d’Épargne Postale”, “Code (...)
Article published on 3 November 2016
To produce gummed, closed and folded booklets, two machines are needed: A TD6 press to print stamps There are two main differences for the use of such a press compared (...)
Article published on 3 November 2016
The stamp 0,50F Marianne de Béquet has been produced in the form of closed, gummed and folded booklets of 10 and 20 stamps, only with metropolitan gum. After having described the process of making (...)
Article published on 3 November 2016

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