corée du Sud 

Emission  :  26 avril 1989 N° Y. & T. : n° 1432



14e Congrès Dentaire Asie - Pacifique



Le timbre montre en son centre un dessin d’une mappemonde surmontée de 2 dents molaires blanches et d’un crayon, dont la pointe repose sur un livre blanc, symbolisant l'éducation.


Thème :

14e Congrès Dentaire Asie - Pacifique

Commentaires :

C'est la 2e fois que la corée édite un timbre à thématique dentaire.

As reminded by the Korean saying, "The healthy teeth are one of the five blessings", our teeth are an important part of our body, which is used not only to chew food and produce articulate speech sounds, but is also a decisive factor in determining the appearance of our face.

Dentistry is the branch of medical science that deals with the physiology, pathology, treatment, etc. of the teeth, gums, and oral cavity. It is also a science whose importance increases in proportion as our civilizations develops.

At the Congress, it is expected that the latest information concerning new research, treating techniques, medical tools and equipment, and other developments made in the profession will be exchanged among the participants, leading to improvement in dental treatment.

The Ministry of Communications issues this commemorative postage stamp in hopes that the Congress will contribute to the strenthening of international cooperation in dental research and treatment for the better dental health of mankind. 


Informations techniques :

Taille : 23mm*33mm Dessinateur : Chun Hee-han
Dentelure : 13 1/2 x 13 Couleur :  argent et multicolore
Valeur(s) :  80 w N° Scott :

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