

Emission  : 11 octobre 1982 N° Y. & T. : 1550  


Commentaires :

Ce timbre est sorti à l'occasion du 70e Congrès mondial annuel de la Fédération Dentaire Internationale (F.D.I.) qui s'est déroulé à Vienne du 10 au 16 octobre 1982. 

Sur ce timbre, on la voit tenant une dent extraite et lisant un livre.

In 1981, the International Dental Federation celebrated its 80th anniversary. After the International Red Cross, it is the second oldest international organisation in the field of health care. The doctor and dentist Charles Godon, Dean of Ecole Dentaire de Paris, advocated that dental care should be provided by an autonomous profession not only in the US, but all over the world. He organised the first international congress of dentists in 1889, the second one in 1893 and the third one in 1900. At the third international congress in Paris, he and a few colleagues founded the International Dental Federation, whose executive council convened for the first time in 1901. Subsequently, the organisation of the conferences was taken over by IDF. Evidence of the rapid development in the following decades is, for example, the fact that 10,000 participants from 96 countries attended the congress held in Cologne in 1962. Vienna had hosted this major congress of dentists several times before the IDF selected it once again as the venue for the congress in 1982.


Informations techniques :

Taille : 40 x 32.5 mm Dessinateur : Sepp Buchner
Dentelure : 14 x 14 1/2 Couleur :  multicolore et or
Valeur(s) :  4 s(chillings) N° Scott :  1225
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