



Ancien Bantoustan d'Afrique du Sud.
indépendant depuis 1976

Superficie : 43 798 km²
Population : 4 746 796 hab. (1992)
Capitale : Umtata

1994 : Réintégration dans l'Afique du Sud.





La côte près de Coffee Bay


History :

Former black “homeland” and nominal republic, E South Africa. Transkei was bounded by the Great Kei River on the south, by the Indian Ocean on the east, by Natal on the north, and by Lesotho on the northwest. The capital and main city was Umtata.

Part of the Drakensberg Range was in W Transkei. Much of the former territory of the homeland is hilly or mountainous, and there is little good farmland. Most of the area’s inhabitants speak a Xhosa language. Roughly two thirds of the Transkei’s income was provided by the South African government, and all trade was conducted through South Africa.

In the 1830s and 40s the Transkei was the scene of fighting between European settlers and Africans over the possession of cattle and grazing land. Much of the territory was annexed in 1848 by Britain as Kaffraria, which in 1865 was joined to Cape Province. Transkei was separated from Cape Province in 1963 to become the first of ten black areas within South Africa that were allegedly internally self-governing. In 1976 Transkei became the first of the homelands to be granted “independence.” The South African government then revoked the citizenship of its residents. Transkei’s assembly controlled many internal matters, but its decisions were subject to the control of the South African government. From 1978 to 1980 territorial disputes prompted Transkei to sever diplomatic relations with South Africa. Like the other homelands, it was not recognized internationally as an independent state. In 1994, after a multiracial election, the establishment of a new South African government, and the end of apartheid, Transkei and the other nine homelands were reabsorbed into South Africa. ( part of the Eastern Cape Province).

Thème :

Personnages célèbres de la Médecine en 4 séries

Cliquer le nom pour ....

Emission  :  1982

N° Y. & T. : n° 107 - 110

Série I




-460 -377

Père de la Médecine




van Leeuwenhoek

1632 - 1723

Père du microscope


William Harvey

1578 - 1657

Circulation du sang


Joseph Lister

1827 - 1912

Chirurgie antiseptique


Carte :


Emission  :  1983

N° Y. & T. : n° 125 - 127

Série II



Edward Jenner

1742 - 1823

Vaccin anti-variolique





Georges Mendel

1822 - 1884

Principes de l'hérédité
(Loi de Mendel)


Louis Pasteur

1822 - 1895




Florence Nightingale

1820 - 1910

Relations & soins hospitaliers

Elle est devenue infirmière malgré l’opposition de sa famille. Durant la guerre de Crimée, elle fut responsable du nursing dans les hôpitaux militaires anglais. Elle fut surnommée ‘ la lady à la lampe’ car elle faisait souvent des tours la nuit. Elle créa la 1ère école de nursing au monde à l’Hôpital St Thomas, à Londres.

Carte (recto) :

Carte (verso) ;


Emission  :  14 avril 1984

N° Y. & T. : n° 159 - 162

Série III



Nicholas de Cusa

1401 - 1464

Astronome-Botaniste - Pionnier de l'utilisation des verres correcteurs




William Morton

1819 - 1868

Dentiste, pionnier de l'anesthésie


Wilhem Röntgen

1845 - 1923

Rayons X

Transkei (Africa) stamp features a portrait of Roentgen and the X-ray picture of his wife's hand, reported to be the first permanently recorded human X-ray image.


Karl Landsteiner

1868 - 1943

Groupes sanguins


Carte :



Emission  : 1985

N° Y. & T. : n° 176 - 179

Série IV





176 : Andreas Vesalius - 1514-1564 - "Père" de l'anatomie moderne
177 : Marcello Malpighi - 1568-1694 - Pionnier des études sur l'infiniment petit
178 : François Magendie - 1783-1855 - Etudes sur la nutrition, "Père" de la pharmacologie expérimentale
179 : William Stewart Halsted - 1852-1922 - innovateur de la chirurgie moderne


Informations techniques :

Taille : .. x .. mm Dessinateur : John Meyer
Dentelure : 14 1/2 x 14 Couleur :  multicolore
Valeur(s) :    N° Scott :
Autres  pays :  



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